Sissy Bumps

Sissy Bumps

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Bump Update: K's 34 & 35 Weeks! OOPS!

How far along? 34 & 35 Weeks! I have been sick for the past two weeks so it’s been tough keeping up with blogging while spending countless hours sleeping, visiting doctors, and trying to get baby ready. Although I am still under the weather, I need to get back on track! I only have a few more weeks with my little bean inside of me and I want to document and enjoy every moment.

PS. I am pretty cranky too so please excuse any sass in the below responses.

Baby Is the size of: A coconut!

Sleep: Awful… between having a virus/allergic reaction to meds last week (doctors still aren’t sure) and having a terrible cold this week, it’s been rough. Plus my acid reflux is kicking my butt. So waking up to pee 100x while simultaneously puking through my burning esophagus has been lovely… NOT. (I am very aware that I sound like a baby right now. Give me a few days to get over myself lol)  

Miss Anything? 
Feeling healthy. I am hoping this week is the end of it so I can enjoy the rest of this pregnancy.

Anything making you nauseous: Everything due to my reflux but Zantac has been my best friend the last few days.

Have a bump yet? Oh yea! And people have really been open about telling me how huge I am getting. Thank you everyone! :)

Gender : Our sweet baby girl.

Belly Button in or out? Half in/ Half out.

Wedding rings on or off? Still on but I have to take them off this weekend.

Happy or Moody most of the time: So sassy! Being sick and constantly hot has been killing my mood. I need to snap out of it.

Total weight gain/loss: 28 lbs.

Maternity clothes? Yes! Although my go to is leggings and a long tank top if I am home. When I go out, I am usually in leggings and a sweater with a tank underneath so I can easily remove a layer when I get overheated.

Stretch marks? Some from puberty but none from pregnancy yet.

Exercise of the week: Walking on the days that I don’t feel too sick.

Happiest moment this week: Last weekend I took my niece and nephews apple picking which was a lot of fun, especially for my niece who skipped through the orchard collecting every single apple she could find. When we got home, we decorated caramel and chocolate covered apples with tons of toppings and my dad made an apple pie. It was a really nice family day.

Movement: All day long!

Food cravings: Water, water, water.

Labor Signs: No real labor signs, just Braxton hicks.

Favorite pregnancy product: Coconut oil

Looking forward to: Feeling better! Hubby and I have a weekend full of baby to-do’s and I want to feel like a million bucks! I am waiting on a few shipments for the nursery that I can’t wait to get my hands on. Hubby and I also plan on going to see a few movies in the next couple of weeks since we know that going to a movie theater will become a luxury once our little one arrives. First up: Gone Girl!

XO Krista

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