How Far Along? 39 weeks! I can't believe how close we are to meeting the newest member of our family! This experience has been so incredible and surreal. It's so amazing what our bodies can do. I'm speechless by how much God has blessed us.
Baby is the size of a: mini watermelon
Sleep: It's funny. I find myself waking up at 1:30 and 4 am every night. Not necessarily to use the bathroom or anything. I'm just up and awake! If that any indication of how our baby will be sleeping I'll take it. Lol.
Miss Anything? Well, after going without the many things I have been missing for 9 months, I am a- okay! What's another week? ;-). A friend of mine reminded me to embrace this last week and enjoy the movement in my belly. Pretty soon it'll all be gone and I just may miss it. (I wouldn't mind some sushi though ha!)
Anything make you nauseous? Not sure if spaghetti still would, but I'm not willing to find out.
Have a bump yet? Oh yea!
Gender: a beautiful baby girl!
Belly button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off: On! I feel naked without it.
Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY! I'm always counting my blessings.
Total Weight gain/loss: 40 lbs gained
Maternity Clothes: yes, and I swear I live in my maternity tees I bought from Target. They are so comfy!! I'm also loving long sweaters and leggings.
Stretch Marks: yup! From my previous pregnancies.
Exercise: lots and lots of walking. I love my morning walks with such a dear friend of mine. We have these great talks about God, life, and just anything. Such a great way start the day!
Happiest Moment of the week: pretty much every day
Movement: tons and sometimes it hurts. Little mama is one tiny dancer.
Food Cravings: I don't really crave anything. I just make sure I eat enough fruit and veggies and drink a lot of water.
Labor Signs:Lots of Braxton Hicks contractions which have been painful here and there. Mama had define dropped too. I feel a ton of pressure in my lower abdomen and pelvic area. Walking has been uncomfortable, but I suck it up and do what I have to do. I swear I'm gonna have her every night. Lol
Favorite Pregnancy Product: vitamin e oil and coconut oil
Looking forward to: Meeting my daughter!! If you are at this stage in the game, have you found that it seems to go slower than the beginning of the pregnancy? These past couple weeks have been such a waiting game. The closer I get to my due date the more excited I and anxious I am. Every day I'm like "Is today the day?"
I can't wait to share the news!
XO Tierra
So happy for you !!!