Sissy Bumps

Sissy Bumps

Monday, June 30, 2014

Monday Must-Haves: Momma Muscles!

Happy Monday mommas! Let's start this week off right. Staying fit while pregnant takes a little adjusting but it's not impossible. In fact, it's encouraged! Now I admit, I love working out and feeling my body get stronger, but even if you don't enjoy spending your days in the gym (like my sissy!) these exercises are simple, yet effective, and can be done just about anywhere! 

1. Shoulder Press

2. Bicep Curl

3. Lunges

4. Squats

5. Walking

Consult your doctor before engaging in any exercise. I worked out before my pregnancy, so I just continue with my regular routine. I do a Body Pump class twice a week which is a constant weight strengthening full body workout for an hour. Once a week I do upper body strength training and once a week I do lower body strength training. Twice a week I do yoga. I walk one to two miles every day.
My doctor says to not lift weights heavier than 30 pounds. Though every doctor may be different. 

If you have never worked out before your pregnancy I suggest walking, swimming, and prenatal yoga. The exercises pictured can't hurt either if you just do very low weight (5lbs) for your arms and no weights for your lower body (3 sets of 10 reps).
IMPORTANT: Make sure you drink plenty of water before, during, and after. Don't do any exercises that require you to lay on your back. Stretch a lot after you exercise to prevent injuries. 

What are some of your favorite fitness tips? 
XO Tierra 

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Bump Update: T's 21 Weeks!

I'm 21 weeks today! Woo Hoo! 19 weeks to go....

Total weight gain/ loss: 10 pounds gained
Baby is the size of a : carrot
Maternity Clothes: Nope! Tons of skirts, tanks, and dresses
Stretch Marks: Yup, from my other 3 kiddies. Just a little on my belly.
Exercise of the week: Body Pump, Strength Training, Walking, and I added another day of yoga
Sleep: Pretty good. I'm usually asleep by 11 and up by 7/7:30...I'm a morning person.
Happiest moment of the week: Finding out the sex of the baby! But I'm not telling ;-)
Food Cravings: Everything!
Anything make you sick: spaghetti
Have a bump yet: Oh yea
Gender Prediction: I know now, but had no idea before finding out
Labor Signs: nope
Belly button in or out: out
Favorite pregnancy product: Still love my coconut oil
Wedding ring on or off: On
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!!
Looking forward to: continuing this amazing summer with my family!

School's Out! Now what do I do with these little humans?

Ok mommas, summer is officially here. Which means school is out and the kiddies are home....all day.... everyday. It may sound overwhelming, scary, and expensive, but it doesn't have to be! My goal this summer is to not spend money like crazy. I want my kids to learn that fun can be had at home, outside, and anywhere! When I was younger Krista and I spent pretty much most of our childhood outside and we wouldn't change it for the world! We explored the woods, bugs, snakes, salamanders, berries, sticks, rocks- you name it, we found it! We rode our bikes until the chains broke, took hikes, and get this- played pretend (I know, I know...where did those days go?).  And we just about always made it home before the street lights turned on! We had the time of our lives! I've always wanted the same types of adventures for my own kids. So summer in the Hayes' house is less time with electronics and more time enjoying the world we are so blessed to live in. 

Here are some ideas to make summer break fun for everyone:


Every June my kids and I make a list of tons of things we'd like to do during the summer. It can be a list from free things like going to the park to things that may cost money like going to an amusement park.

On small pieces of paper write fun free things to do each day. Use this jar only when you have days of not knowing what to do or when your kids cry "I'm so bored!" (drives me crazy!)

Gather some great new books from your local library, create a tent using blankets and sheets, grab some fun small snacks, a flash light, some pillows and read away!


This summer, my kids and I plan to go to a different park each week. We are looking forward to exploring parks we have never been to before!


I gave each of my kids their own sketchbook on their last day of school.  They can use these to draw anything that inspires them during times of exploring nature, going to the zoo, swimming at the beach, etc. It's like their own summer scrapbook. 

Did you know that  Lowes offers  free building workshops for kids on Saturdays? They give your child an apron, goggles, and they can build a particular object of the week. One week they made their own race cars! So fun!


Each week our plan is to bake something new. I love to get my kids involved in the entire process. I love to make it a learning experience as well. They get to READ the recipe, COUNT the ingredients, use MATH to check measurements, etc.

Since we will be baking we will also make fun treats for those we love. We will wrap them up in a cute box, hand create a card, and make special deliveries to family members or friends. We will also check out local charities to see how we can give back.

Oh how I love summer nights!! I love getting in our pjs after dinner and baths, grabbing our mason jars and  glow sticks and taking a long stroll through the neighborhood. We catch fireflies, talk, laugh, and just enjoy the night! We also love to grab a blanket lay on the grass and look at the night sky.


My middle son, Tatum, is extremely interested in all things science.  My plan this summer is to take him to a local hands on science museum so he can explore and learn and be creative in his element. From home I plan to create different science experiments for him to enjoy. My oldest son, Jalen, loves to draw (and is pretty good at it!). I made him his own book using a binder filled with clear, plastic inserts that he can put his drawings in to keep and treasure. My youngest, Leila, loves drama and dancing. Rather than pay for her to go to a camp all day to do these things my plan is to write a small play for her and a few of her girlfriends to act out during a fun playdate.


These days go by so fast and they will be back in school before you know it. Take each day as an opportunity to learn from your child and see the world through their eyes. The laundry, dishes, and messy kitchen floor can wait! Take more time to cuddle with your kiddies, read with them, and just have fun with them! It's your time to be a kid again.
In addition to those fun things, here are a few things on our Summer Fun List:
* beach days (and lots of them!)
* fishing!
* picnics at parks (I'm a sucker for a good picnic)
* friend days - each child invites a friend or 2 over to swim and play and mom grills some food!
* once a week go somewhere fun (ie. Funplex, Stratosphere, etc)

So what are you planning to do this summer?
XO Tierra

Friday, June 27, 2014

Why, hello there little one.

THIS IS HAPPENING. Deep breaths. Oh. My. Word. I’m going to be a momma!

I can’t believe I just wrote those precious words. It’s hard to describe the absolute joy that is in my heart. My husband & I have been dreaming of the day we would start our family since we first fell in love. And it is finally happening! Now let's go back to the beginning...

My husband and I decided it was our time to start a family in February. We assumed it would take a few months before it actually happened and we made a conscious decision to not start methodically trying and let nature take it's course. However, it was important for us that I created a healthy environment for the sweet little bean to grow in for 40 weeks. So we visited my doctor, began taking prenatal vitamins, stopped birth control, eliminated alcohol from my diet, and decreased my caffeine intake from 5 cups of tea to 1 cup  a day (the Brit in me had a major meltdown). Two weeks after beginning these transitions I started feeling... strange. My lower back started aching, I had dizzy spells, and I just didn't feel like myself. It took me about 30 seconds to convince myself that I was pregnant! My husband thought I was crazy, naturally, but I just felt it. It was way too early to take a pregnancy test so it was a waiting game for the next 7 days til I could start early testing.

On that 7th day when I bought my first ever supply of pregnancy tests (I felt like such a grown up!) and waited for the results, I had this rush of panic... What if I wasn't? Would I be disappointed? Would I question our no-try method? How would my husband feel? Deep breaths, deep breaths...

That rush was taken over by overwhelming joy and emotion when I looked down at the digital pregnant test that said "Pregnant!" I screamed to my husband, tears flooding my eyes and we both were in total disbelief. It didn't feel real, so I decided to take another a few hours later just to be sure. I must've inhaled 48oz of water in 10 minutes because those few hours turned into 20 minutes when I was back at it again. At this point I was jumping up & down in pure bliss! We stared at the test, waiting for the confirmation that our dream had come true. And there it was... "Not Pregnant." It was like someone had ripped my heart out. Those gigantic smiles across our faces disappeared and our dream was crushed. We were beyond confused. I was determined to take another test but my husband convinced me to wait and take a blood test with my doctor for guaranteed results. It was Sunday. The longest Sunday ever.

On Monday morning I spoke with my doctor who suggested I wait until my menstrual cycle was due to begin that Tuesday to come in for an appointment. This would ensure that the results would pick up on my hormone levels. During that phone call, after I explained our situation, she informed me that it could've been 1 of 3 things. One, a defective pregnancy test. Two, my hormone levels were too low for my 2nd test, especially after diluting my urine with so much water. Or three, a chemical pregnancy (a very early miscarriage). The third option was heartbreaking, but very common apparently. If you know me at all, you may know that I am quite the worry wart. The idea of a chemical pregnancy would be the 1st of a slew of worries that were sure to come with my pregnancy and having a child. It made everything very real.

Tuesday arrived but my period did not (thankfully!) so it was time to get my bloodwork. I was told it would take up to 48 hours for my results to get back. 48 hours of nerves, fears, and confusion. On Wednesday, March 26th I got the call. The words "Congratulations! You are pregnant," made my whole world stop. I soaked that moment in and held onto it. It was true. Our little bean was growing in my body. Thank you, God.
You may be wondering how my husband responded to this news... Well, I decided to tell him in a more creative way. I cannot wait to share that story, along with my other pregnancy reveals soon!

XO Krista

P.S. Our babymoon/birthday trip has been incredible so far! I can't believe how beautiful this island is and we are already planning trips to return with our little bean. It's paradise. And fortunately, my husband loves to sleep in so I have been spending my morning out on our deck writing in my journal and on this blog. It's turning into a delightful and therapeutic experience. Vacation is giving me so much time to reflect and this blog allows me to document those thoughts. So although I said I may not post often while away, I do believe I'll be able to share some of my most personal reflections during this time. Thanks for joining me.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Things We Love Thursday

To start off our "Things We Love Thursday" how could we not start with the maxi dress!? It's perfect for hot summer days and warm summer nights. Whether you are pregnant or not it is a fabulous find! So easy to throw on and step out to enjoy your day. We have stocked up on these bad boys since finding out we were going to be pregnant during the summer. They have been life savers for those days that you just don't know what to wear. When in doubt slip on a dress!!

 Here a few dresses we found while on our search : 

We found this dress online and it's on sale! How pretty is the design and shear overlay. We are also loving the high- low bottom!

How fab is this dress!? We love the flirty detail of the high slit. Who says you can't be sexy and pregnant! Plus, right now it's on sale! 

Love this navy dress with the ruffle over lay and high- low bottom! 

What are you loving right now? 

 XO! Tierra & Krista

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Bump Update: K's 17 Weeks!

Hello from Aruba! 

How far along? 17 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 5 pounds gained
Baby Is the size of: an onion
Maternity clothes? Nope! Thank goodness for maxi dresses! 
Stretch marks? Some from puberty but not from pregnancy yet! Oiling up like it’s my job!
Exercise of the week: Swimming in Aruba
Sleep: Minus the three bathroom trips nightly, no complaints
Happiest moment this week: Feeling our baby move for the first time & arriving in Aruba
Miss Anything? Sushi. And wine. And hoagies ( I desperately want a hoagie).
Movement: Little flutters :) 
Food cravings: PIZZA! And my doctor just gave me the okay to eat pepperoni! THANK YOU, JESUS!
Anything making you nauseas: Mexican food, sadly.
Have a bump yet? yes, I finally popped! 
Gender prediction: Me? Girl. Hubs? Boy (Lord, help him if it’s a girl. She will have daddy wrapped around her finger)
 Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? I’ve always had what I like to call an “innie-outtie”
Favorite pregnancy product: So far, Honest Co. body oil. Not too greasy and smells so yummy! 
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Enjoying this babymoon & my hubby's 30th birthday! Going to be off the grid for a little bit!

Alright it's all about my hubby & I now, so I won't be posting much (or possibly at all) until I return. But I will post a recap when we return! Have a great week! 

XO Krista 

Monday, June 23, 2014

Monday Must-Haves: What’s in My Babymoon Bag?

It's the 48 hour countdown til my hubby & I jet set to our island escape! What started out as a 30th birthday trip for him also became a babymoon for the two of us when we learned we had a bun in the oven. No complaints here! Give this pregnant lady a lounge chair, a virgin pina colada, and a beach and I am a happy camper! 

As we begin packing, I've realized that some of my essentials have changed now that I am pregnant. What's usually a quick trip to Target to buy any sunscreen on the shelf, a few bikinis, and a trashy celebrity magazine, is now a trip to my nearest baby store to buy the "safe" sunscreen, to my pharmacy to stock my prenatal vitamins, and to the beauty store to buy paraben & sulfate free hair care products. 

If you are a  first-time momma-to-be (read: paranoid) like me and need some packing tips for a getaway, here are my must-haves! I'm new to this whole momma world so these are my personal needs but every momma is different! Bring what’s best for you (& baby). 

BPA-Free reusable water bottle: It's more important than ever to stay hydrated while you're pregnant, especially during a day in the sun. And why not avoid BPA toxins while you're at it! 

Traditional Medicinals Organic Pregnancy Tea: My sissy bought this for me since she knows I am an avid tea drinker (gone are the days of 5 cups of regular hot tea/day). Now, I admit that I am paranoid of just about everything, so I still steer clear of even decaf teas or coffees most of the time since they still have some caffeine in them. Many doctors recommend no more than 200mg of caffeine a day . From time to time, if I am feeling extra sluggish I will make myself a cup of this Pregnancy Tea for a little boost. 

Carol's Daughter Black Vanilla sulfate-free shampoo: This shampoo is made for my hair type and is free of sulfate, parabens, petroleum, and artificial colors.  Yes, I am one of those pregnant women who also switched most of my personal care products to more natural options. Since I know these products get absorbed through my skin and some chemicals can penetrate the baby, I decided to make some healthier choices. However, I know many women still use their same pre-pregnancy items and have perfectly healthy babies. Do what makes you feel comfortable! Being a momma or momma-to-be is hard enough sometimes with all of the “rules”. 

The Honest Co. Organic Body Oil: I'm a big fan of Honest Co. and I am obsessed with this product!! I will use this post-pregnancy as well. I use it after I hop out of the shower all over my body and feel so silky smooth. And it smells pretty yummy, too! 

The Honest Co. Honest Sunscreen SPF 30: I chose this sunscreen because it is free of PABA, parabens, phthalates, fragrances, petrochemicals, dyes and synthetic chemical sunscreens. Sunscreen is important whether you are pregnant or not, but when you're knocked up your skin is hyper-sensitive leaving you more susceptible to burns. So lather up! Plus, although pregnancy mask is caused more by hormones than sun, those pesky UV rays can be a factor (according to my Certified Nurse Midwife). 

Nature's Made Vitamin E: No, I don't pop these and swallow them whole. Vitamin E is already present in my pre-natal vitamins. However, I have been applying vitamin E directly from the capsule to scars on my skin for years. I made sure to check with my midwife before using this to avoid increased toxicity levels, but since I only use one pill a day on a small area of my body, she has approved (Thank God!). I am currently using this on an annoying little scar left from a heat rash. And it's almost gone! 

Coconut Oil: This is my sissy's favorite pregnancy product of the week, and it is quickly becoming one of mine too. I slather this on before bed to keep my skin silky smooth and I love how soft it is keeping me. (Bonus: Hubby loves it, too!)

Prenatal Vitamins: This is a no-brainer for me. I take mine nightly to avoid any nausea that may come with taking them in the morning. 

Bikini: Now, I am only 16 (almost 17) weeks pregnant so I am fully embracing the bump that I have! I love how my body is changing and I think it is absolutely incredible that it can transform to carry and provide for another human being. So I have no shame in running around in a bikini with my growing bump! Maybe I will feel differently at week 36, but for now, I am going to enjoy it while I can.

Beach Cover Up:I will live in cover-ups for the 10 days we are away. I've learned that packing anything more than cover-ups and a very select few dinner outfits is all I need for a vaca. Especially since we won’t be participating in any overly adventurous excursions while we are away. 

Floppy Hat: Another sun-blocker that is also just fun to wear! My hair does all sorts of crazy things while I am on vaca and this hat will keep me looking somewhat done without actually doing anything. 

Flat slip on sandals: No heels for this girl! These will be my go-to every single day. And if my feet start to swell, at least I will still be comfy.

Sunglasses:  Blocking those rays one cute pair of sunnies at a time! 

Pregnancy Journal: Another awesome gift from my sissy! I am writing letters to my sweet little bean, and this is the journal I am using. I want to have something to hand to my son/daughter one day that explains just how much I loved them even before I met them, and through all of their milestones once they arrived. 

Camera: Photographs are my favorite things in the world. If I could be a photographer and scrapbook every single day of my life, I would. And with my new bean I will probably play photographer and do just that! 

Pirate's Booty Popcorn:  A healthy snack to keep my hunger pains at bay throughout the day. My appetite is just starting to increase so I am snacking and eating smaller meals more frequently. 

The Baby Name Wizard-Book: It’s quite possible that this book will end up in the ocean by the end of the trip. My husband is already over my constant, “What do you think of Tallulah? No? Ok, Charlotte? Well, how about Beau for a boy? No? Well, what do you like!?!” So I can only imagine a book with what seems like a thousand pages of names may cause him to throw the book or me in the deep end.

What to Expect When You're Expecting-Book: I know many expectant momma's don’t love this book. And then there are those who do. I am one of the ones who appreciate all of the good/scary bits of knowledge it provides me with. There are so many things I didn't know and still don’t know so I will be spending my lazy days on the beach finding out exactly what happens after you give birth (I hear it’s not so pretty).

A Man's Guide to Having a Baby-Book: I won’t be the only one on this team learning the ins & outs of parenting and pregnancy. My best friend bought this book for my hubby (thank you, A.D! He loves it!!). He actually is excited to read it and learn about everything. I get such a kick out of the absolute joy and shock he gets from every doctor’s visit. He soaks in everything he hears and thinks it’s all insanely fascinating. And I adore him for that. 

So tell me momma's, am I missing anything from this essentials list? 

Xo Krista 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Bump Update: T's 20 Weeks!

How far along? 20 weeks!!! Wow! Half way there!
Total weight gain/loss: 10 pounds gained
Baby is the size of: A banana
Maternity Clothes: No :-)
Stretch Marks: yup, from previous pregnancies
Exercise of the Week: Body Pump twice a week, strength training twice a week, yoga once a week, walk 1mi-2mi daily 
Sleeping well: Just plenty of bathroom trips
Happiest moment of the week: Always being with my family!
Miss anything? Wine, Sushi, Sleeping on my back and tummy
Baby Movement: sudden flutters and kicks throughout the day :-)
Cravings: eggs!! scrambeled, omelet with tons of veggies, or egg salad yumm!!, ketchup, and pizza (no, not together)
Anything make you nauseas: spaghetti
Have a bump yet: Yup! I swear i look like I'm 7 months
Gender Prediction: Not a clue, Leila predicts she's having " a sister, I need a sister! Jesus made me a sister."
Labor signs: no
Belly Button In or Out: Out
Favorite Pregnancy Product: I LOVE my coconut oil
Wedding ring on or off: on
Happy or Moody: Happy! Just leave me alone after 9pm
Looking Forward to: Finding out the sex next week! Feeling tons of more movement (which doc says will happen around 23 weeks) and having an awesome summer with my kiddies!

Hello from the Hayes' Family

My husband, Derrick and I, met 11 years ago through our mutual friend. We instantly became great friends! I had a 2 year old son from a previous relationship, so we chose to continue our friendship and take things slow. (I already knew he was THE ONE!) As our friendship grew so did his relationship with my son, which of course won me over. Finally, after 2 years of an amazing friendship, he popped the question in front of our family and friends in our church home at 12 am on New Years Eve. The night was more than I ever hoped for! We then married in May 2006 at a beautiful, rustic winery. One year later, came our first son together and two years after we had a daughter! We are now preparing for baby #4 due in November! We can't be more excited to be growing our beautiful family!
Thank you for joining us on our journey!

XO Tierra

Meet the Pete's!

My husband, Theo & I, started dating in the summer of 2009 when we met through mutual friends. What started off as two people just off the cusp of other relationships quickly grew into a deeper bond than either one of us had ever expected. I was pretty head-over-heels… I mean, the man opens my car door and enjoys travelling as much as I do. I didn’t stand a chance. Three short months after our first date (at a wedding!) we moved in together in his new home.

After waiting not-so-patiently for the man of my dreams to pop the question, he finally did it! It was Thanksgiving night of 2011 at his family’s home in front of all of the people we love. I can’t imagine a more perfect setting.

In May 2013, we married in a whimsical garden ceremony at my favorite place on earth. It was absolutely magical and dreamy. It gives me chills just to think about the amount of love that we felt that day, and every day after.

Less than one year after our sweet “I Do’s” we decided we were ready to start family. And now, I am officially pregnant with Baby #1 (unofficially nicknamed Baby Pete). We are over-the-moon! Thank you for joining us on this journey!

And to our sweet little one on the way, we can’t wait to meet you!

XO Krista 

Welcome to Sissy Bumps & Beans!

Welcome! Come on in & stay awhile.

(Tierra, left. Krista, right. Pre-bumps, of course. )

Hey! I'm Tierra (on the left!), a 30 year old wife to one amazing man and mother to 3 (almost 4!) beautiful beans ages 5,7, and 13 and my four legged son Cruz! I am a lover of Jesus, sunflowers, Starbucks (make that a grande nonfat chai tea latte please!), sushi, exercising, and the outdoors! I am completely and utterly obsessed with my family who make me laugh constantly on a daily basis. What more does a girl need!?

I'm Krista (on the right!), a 28 year old first time momma-to-be and wife to my favorite person in the world. I spend most of my days as a full-time marketing manager but most of the time I'm busy day-dreaming about traveling the world, dining out on some delicious grub (sushi, anyone?), sipping on hot tea and champagne, strolling down cute little cobblestone streets lined with antique shops, and snuggling with my hubby &  fur-baby, Ollie. Oh, and my most favorite dream of all? Holding my sweet little baby bean for the very first time. Life has been pretty damn good so far. I make sure to thank God for that every single chance I get.

We're best friends who just happen to be sisters. Earlier this year we got the surprise of our lives when we learned we were pregnant at the same time (cue the ugly tears, happy cuss words, and screams that came with that reveal)! With due dates just three short weeks apart, we are embracing this magical roller coaster ride. 

We decided to start this blog to share our personal journeys through our pregnancies and motherhood. Pregnancy and motherhood are some of the most precious and beautiful times in a woman's life. We want to share our experiences with you as a first time mom, a working momma-to-be, a stay at home mom, and just being women! We look forward to looking back on this blog with our little beans reminiscing on this incredible time. 

 If you feel like stopping in from time to time, we welcome you with open arms, a touch of sass, and growing baby bumps! Feel free to join in on the fun and leave your comments & questions along the way.

Buckle up, we have no idea what we're doing! :-)

XO Tierra & Krista